- 2023, “Supermajority Politics: equilibrium range, diversity, and compromise”. European Journal of Operation Research. [with Roland Pongou and Jean-Baptiste Tondji]
- 2021, “Collective risk and distributional equity in climate change bargaining”. Journal of Conflict Resolution. [With Reuben Kline and Dustin Tingley]
- 2020, “Contesting the climate: security implications of geoengineering”. Climatic Change. [With Muhammet Bas]
- 2020, “The behavioral impact of basic energy access: a randomized controlled trial with solar lanterns in rural India”. Energy for Sustainable Development. [With SP Harish and Johannes Urpelainen]
- 2020, “Increasing rural electrification through connection campaigns”. Energy Policy. [With Brian Blankenship, Ryan Kennedy, Jason Chun Yu Wong, and Johannes Urpelainen]
- 2020, “Crowdsourcing data on the reliability of electricity service: Evidence from a telephone survey in Uttar Pradesh, India”. Energy Policy. [With Ryan Kennedy and Johannes Urpelainen]
- 2020, “Influence of improved supply on household electricity demand: evidence from rural India”. Energy. [With Shalu Agrawal, SP Harish, Daniel Thomas, and Johannes Urpelainen]
- 2020, “Understanding segmentation in rural electricity markets”. Energy Economics. [With Shalu Agrawal, SP Harish, Daniel Thomas, and Johannes Urpelainen]
- 2019, “Quality of service predicts willingness to pay for household electricity connections in rural India”. Energy Policy. [With Ryan Kennedy and Johannes Urpelainen]
- 2018, “Fast cheap and imperfect? American public opinion about solar geoengineering”. Environmental Politics. [With Dustin Tingley and Gernot Wagner]
- 2016, “What do people think when they think about solar geoengineering? A review of empirical social science literature, and prospects for future research”. Earth’s Future. [With Elizabeth Burns, Jane Flegal, David Keith, Dustin Tingley, and Gernot Wagner]